Mac and iPhone/iPad App Support

Please check the support and help pages of the corresponding app first to see if your problem has already been addressed there. These pages are constantly updated and extended accordingly.

Exporter for Contacts 1
Importer for Contacts
Export Calendars Pro

To submit a support request for an application you already have installed on your Mac (including trial versions), choose "Submit Support Request" or "Contact Author" from the application's Help menu. This will create a new message in your email application, pre-filled with important information such as the version numbers of macOS and the application. For other questions or if an application crashes so that you cannot use the "Submit Support Request"/"Contact Author" feature, send a message to questions {ät} subclassed {döt} com.

Note that support requests may be deferred or even ignored if they are not made via the “Submit Support Request”/"Contact Author" function built into the app.

Please understand that for ad-free apps in this price segment, which are offered as a one-time purchase and not as a subscription, phone support cannot be provided.

Download latest versions

If you downloaded the app from the Mac App Store, use the Mac App Store to update the app. If you purchased the app from my website, download this bundle with the latest versions:

Download App Collection.